In Blog, Podcasts

John Hibbard, Principal, Hibbard Consulting, Australia

Winston Qiu, SVP, Pacific Light Data Communication, Hong Kong

Kelvan Firman, CEO, SEAX Indonesia

Carlos Trujillo, COO, SubPartners, Australia

What you will learn in this audiocast (12min 45sec):
The deployment, activation and upgrade of broadband subsea cable systems is in full swing globally, and particularly in Asia Pacific and Oceania where transcontinental, regional, and island networks are all being delivered.

Why are so many new systems being deployed? Where are the customers for these new networks and what do they want from them? Can the industry continue to grow at such a rapid pace? What is the prospect of a destructive downturn?

In this PTC program, recorded at Submarine Networks World 2018 in Singapore, interviewees discuss what is going on and why, and give their outlook for the industry. Projects discussed include INDIGO, the Pacific Light Cable Network (PLCN), and SEAX 2.

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