Gary Kim
PTC Advisory Council Chair
PTC’s Advisory Council (AC) — viewed by PTC as a key means of developing leadership for the organization — includes a maximum of 38 elected members and up to 12 members appointed by the Board of Governors (BG).
Officially existing to provide advice to the board when requested, the AC also supplies the bulk of committee members for standing PTC committees, ranging from the Annual Conference program to strategic planning to membership, and more.
The AC is also specifically charged with ensuring a steady flow of candidates for all elected positions through the Succession Planning Committee.
Over the past two years, the AC has worked on a variety of “process” issues: such as creating an “onboarding” or orientation for new members; program development issues, such as creating the webinar series; “future of PTC” efforts, such as creating a work group on digital transformation; and inclusion efforts, such as working to attract younger members to PTC and getting them involved in all phases of AC work.
At PTC’22, AC members ran a workshop open to all BG and AC members soliciting input on what “digital transformation” would look like at PTC.
Serving on the AC is a great way to learn more about the mechanics of “how PTC does its work,” meet other members, and create stronger relationships with some of the most active PTC Members.
All PTC Members will have a chance to run for election to the AC this year — as well as spots on the BG, and we encourage you to give serious consideration in doing so.
As a membership organization, our members are the “owners” of PTC. As with all non-profit organizations, volunteering to serve on the BG and AC is the best way to help ensure that PTC continues to serve its membership; continues to grow and add value for existing and future members. If you are interested in volunteering, contact for more information.
As we help build the PTC’23 conference, AC members will be proposing and leading sessions, identifying speakers, strengthening content of interest to younger members, and creating new opportunities for investors in digital infrastructure to meet with owners of such assets.
You can help us by joining the AC. Our 2022 elections are your chance to do so.