In Blog, PTC Member Profiles

Steve Lewis, VP, U.S. Sales, North America, EkkoSense

Steve Lewis
VP, U.S. Sales, North America


Steve Lewis is VP of U.S. Sales, North America for EkkoSense. Based in Lincoln, Nebraska, Steve brings more than 20 years of experience in data center and IT channel sales to EkkoSense. A pioneer in data center efficiency solutions, Steve has a proven track record of success in the industry. 

What technology breakthrough would pave the way for the ICT industry? 

The combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) is a game-changer in the ICT industry, but we’ve only just begun to explore its full potential. This integration has the power to revolutionize how companies operate by using data for better decision-making, planning ahead with predictive analytics, and automating tasks for smoother workflows. By embracing AI and ML, organizations can boost network performance, improve user satisfaction, and operate more efficiently, setting the stage for sustainable growth and staying ahead in the digital world. While AI and ML optimize data collection, it is important to retain human oversight and control. By entrusting the ultimate decision-making to human operators, AI ensures that accountability remains with individuals. This hybrid approach leverages AI’s analytical power to eliminate guesswork from decision processes while upholding human control and responsibility. 

Is it important for companies to continue to innovate their organization or offerings, and why?

Without question; the data center industry is dynamic and constantly changing, so it pays for companies to keep up with that speed of innovation. With the rise of data challenges, information security, artificial intelligence, and other technological advances, companies that don’t invest in innovation will drastically fall behind.

How can corporations and researchers best serve the next generation?

To ensure a better future for the next generation, companies and researchers can focus on being innovative, sustainable, and inclusive. By investing in tackling big challenges like climate change, healthcare access, and fair education, they can make a positive impact on the world ahead. Working together, they can create new technologies, green practices, and policies that benefit everyone. Embracing diversity and inclusion in their work is another step toward developing solutions that offer advantages to society as a whole. A united effort toward these common goals with a long-term outlook not only deals with today’s issues but also sets the stage for a fair and sustainable tomorrow for future generations.

Is it important for companies to continue to innovate their organization or offerings, and why?

Yes, it’s important for companies to prioritize ongoing innovation to stay competitive and meet evolving market demands, especially in an industry characterized by constant and rapid change. Innovation fuels growth by creating new avenues for revenue and expanding market presence. Fresh products, services, and solutions help companies attract consumers’ attention and gain a competitive advantage. Innovation promotes uniqueness, helping companies define distinct value propositions and establish themselves as industry leaders. Creating a work environment that encourages creativity, experimentation, and adaptability fosters innovation by empowering employees to think creatively, take calculated risks, and explore new concepts. This, in turn, lays the groundwork for future innovations that position organizations for long-term success. Most importantly, innovation is critical to the longevity of our planet and the mitigation of suffering globally, and the tech industry at large is in a powerful position to find new solutions for our climate crisis. 

How does PTC fit your company’s goals or career purpose?

PTC aligns closely with EkkoSense’s mission by providing a platform for collaboration and innovation and advancing ethical development in the ICT industry. EkkoSense’s mission to optimize data center performance and reduce carbon emissions resonates with PTC’s vision of a better world connected through innovative ICT use.  


EkkoSense leverages cutting-edge technologies like IoT, edge computing, and AI to drive energy efficiency and sustainability in critical live environments. PTC’s commitment to fostering collaboration among stakeholders and advancing technologies across the Pacific Rim perfectly complements EkkoSense’s focus on innovation and business growth. The alignment between EkkoSense’s technological expertise and PTC’s vision of connecting organizations through ICT innovation underscores the potential for mutual growth, knowledge sharing, and advancement within the industry. 

What would you share with those interested in becoming a PTC Member? 

For those considering PTC Membership, I would highlight the exceptional value and growth opportunities that PTC provides. PTC gives members access to a diverse community of global industry frontrunners, technophiles, innovators, and visionaries. As a PTC Member, you gain entry to industry-leading events like the PTC Annual Conference, offering a platform for engaging discussions and networking with key players. 


PTC fosters collaboration, knowledge exchange, and business expansion, providing members with tools to propel their professional and organizational success. By affiliating with PTC, you are actively contributing to shaping the future of global digital infrastructure. In a nutshell, PTC Membership unlocks a world of opportunities and connections in the digital communications and technology industries. 

What advice would you share with current and future graduates interested in this field?

My advice would be to embrace change wholeheartedly. The tech industry is constantly changing, which requires agility and adaptability. These qualities will not only help you navigate the rapid changes within the industry but also empower you to succeed and make a more powerful impact throughout your career. 

What is something that not that many people know about you? 

Something that surprises people about me is that I haven’t always had an affinity for technology, and I’m not technical by nature. Instead, what motivates me is the thrill of adaptability and embracing discomfort. I firmly believe that growth happens when we push ourselves outside our comfort zones. Technology’s rapid evolution continually challenges me to learn and evolve, compelling me to stay agile in this space. So, while I may not have been born a techie, my passion for adaptability pushes me to grow in the tech world.

What has been a positive outcome organizationally or individually given the current state of the world?

It’s encouraging to see individuals and organizations coming together to make progress toward a more sustainable tomorrow. With many of us working remotely and relying on digital tools such as AI and ML, the need for energy-efficient data centers has become clearer and it’s refreshing to see a positive shift toward more sustainable practices. Many companies are now actively using less energy, decreasing their carbon footprint, and enhancing their cooling systems to be more eco-conscious. EkkoSense is proud to help support this progress through data center optimization.

About EkkoSense
EkkoSense is a rapidly growing global SaaS company that’s increasingly recognized as the smart choice for data center teams looking to take their operational performance to the next level. Unlike traditional, IT-led DCIM-based approaches, EkkoSense offers a distinctive, light-touch AI-enabled software-driven thermal optimization solution that enables operations teams to thermally optimize their data center performance while simultaneously delivering quantifiable sustainability results. 

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