In Blog, PTC Member Profiles

Inside Sales Manager, Americas, EkkoSense

Shelley Domant
Inside Sales Manager, Americas


Shelley brings over a decade of sales and marketing expertise to her role as Inside Sales Manager for the Americas at EkkoSense AI. With a background at VIAS3D as Inside Sales and Marketing Director, she excels in generating leads, nurturing prospects, and managing key accounts across diverse industries. Shelley’s focus on optimizing data center performance aligns with EkkoSense AI’s mission, where she showcases innovative solutions to drive business growth. Certified in executive presence and high-performance habits, Shelley thrives on empowering data center operators with cutting-edge tools and insights to enhance efficiency and sustainability in their environments. 

How can telecommunications technologies help humanity?

Telecommunications technologies make it possible for people to collaborate across continents, access education and healthcare services, and fuel economic growth worldwide. They bring everyone closer together, break down barriers, and open doors to advancements and equality. Telecom tech also plays a key role in shaping smarter cities, more efficient transportation systems, and more sustainable energy solutions, all of which contribute to enhancing our quality of life.


With the infusion of AI and Machine Learning (ML) into telecom networks, the whole system is more streamlined. AI and ML help us anticipate future needs and allocate resources, ensuring operations run like a well-oiled machine. And when it comes to data centers, advancements in telecom tech lead to greener cooling systems, reduced energy consumption, and better resource management, promoting efficiency and environmental responsibility. This not only drives progress in technology but also supports environmentally friendly practices, making a significant impact on global welfare. 

How can corporations and researchers best serve the next generation?

Corporations and researchers can help create a better future for the next generation by focusing on environmental sustainability and ethical practices. It’s critical to prioritize environmental responsibility by developing technologies that use less energy and reduce carbon emissions. Companies like EkkoSense are showing the way by improving data center management, which cuts down on energy waste and makes IT systems more eco-friendly. 


Even beyond the environmental component, ethical practices need to be at the core of what companies do; to build trust and make sure their technologies truly benefit society. Upholding high ethical standards enables innovation that is responsible and helpful. For us at EkkoSense, this looks like: 

  • Investing in research and development consistently to drive tech progress that meets society’s changing needs 
  • Training the next generation of industry experts in sustainability-focused tech  
  • Giving back through charities that benefit future generations 

If one thing should be redeveloped within the telecom and related industries, what should it be?

One crucial area for redevelopment within the telecom and related industries is enhancing data center cooling technology. As the demand for data and digital services grows, so does the need for more efficient and adaptive cooling solutions. Redefining cooling systems to dynamically adjust based on workload and environmental changes can significantly reduce energy consumption and improve overall system performance. This helps manage operational costs and extends the lifespan of data center equipment. 


Companies like EkkoSense exemplify this approach with a focus on optimizing cooling and power management. Our solutions use real-time data and AI to adjust cooling requirements, minimizing energy waste and improving efficiency. By advancing these technologies, we can create data centers that are not only more energy-efficient but also better equipped to handle the demands of modern IT infrastructure. 

What has been a positive outcome organizationally or individually given the current state of the world?

It’s truly remarkable to see how the current global landscape has pushed us toward sustainability at a faster pace. With the rise of remote work and our heavy reliance on tech like AI and ML, the spotlight is now on energy-smart data centers. Companies are putting more focus on cutting down energy use, shrinking their carbon footprint, and upgrading cooling systems for a greener impact. 


This shift lines up perfectly with EkkoSense’s goal of boosting data center performance and sustainability. We’re thrilled to be part of this movement by offering solutions that amp up energy efficiency and slash waste. It’s rewarding to know that our contributions are playing a role in shaping an eco-friendlier future, mirroring the industry’s broader push for environmental responsibility. 

How does PTC fit your company’s goals or career purpose?

PTC’s focus on collaboration and innovation aligns perfectly with EkkoSense’s objectives. Our mission to enhance data center performance and drive sustainability through advanced technologies complements PTC’s vision of leveraging ICT for a better-connected world. 


EkkoSense leverages IoT, edge computing, and AI to optimize energy use and improve efficiency in critical data center environments. PTC’s emphasis on advancing technology and fostering stakeholder collaboration across the Pacific Rim supports EkkoSense’s goals of innovation and growth. This ideal pairing provides opportunities for knowledge exchange and mutual advancement in the ICT sector, reinforcing our shared commitment to technological progress and sustainability. 

What would you share with those interested in becoming a PTC Member? 

For anyone considering PTC Membership, I would emphasize the unique opportunities it offers for growth and industry engagement. PTC connects you with a vibrant community of global experts, innovators, and leaders in digital communications and technology. Membership provides access to premier events like the PTC Annual Conference, where you can engage in meaningful discussions and network with influential professionals. 


PTC is dedicated to fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing, which can significantly benefit your professional development and business expansion. By joining PTC, you become part of a forward-thinking network that is shaping the future of digital infrastructure. It’s an invaluable platform for making connections, staying ahead of industry trends, and advancing your goals in the technology sector. 

What advice would you share with current and future graduates interested in this field? 

I would suggest that they embrace change. This is an industry that is fast moving, out of necessity. Technology advancements are frequent, and your ability to adapt and think forward will allow you to flourish in this type of environment. 


My advice is to not wait for opportunities to come to you. Be proactive in seeking out experiences and knowledge that will set you apart from others. Gain hands-on experience through internships, volunteering, or attending industry events. Show your passion for the field by staying informed about current issues and developments, and actively share your enthusiasm and knowledge. 

What is something that not that many people know about you?

I grew up on a farm in Nebraska, deeply connected to agriculture and the land. This upbringing instilled in me a deep respect for nature and the environment. In our tight-knit community, where everyone knew each other, values like honesty and integrity were ingrained from an early age. Hard work and self-reliance were a part of daily life, and these principles have stayed with me throughout my career. My most valued memories include the generosity and community support where neighbors were more than acquaintances; they were friends always willing to lend a hand. 

About EkkoSense
EkkoSense is a rapidly growing global SaaS company that’s increasingly recognized as the smart choice for data center teams looking to take their operational performance to the next level. Unlike traditional, IT-led DCIM-based approaches, EkkoSense offers a distinctive, light-touch AI-enabled software-driven thermal optimization solution that enables operations teams to thermally optimize their data center performance while simultaneously delivering quantifiable sustainability results. 

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