PTC’17 set yet another record: increased attendance with participants from more than 75 countries and over 200 speakers discussing all facets of the ICT industry’s Changing Realities. A powerful agenda closes a decade of growth and transformation for our organization. Key takeaways from our three-day conference:
- Poised to open more connections than ever: multiplicative, related and synergistic effects between big data, IoT, 5G and AI are driving massive global connectivity build.
- All matters: the geography of data delivery matters. Edge architectures matter. Latency as a key demand matters. Content and network alignment matters. The pace of network changes matters and drives all.
- Beyond next-generation: next generation of satellite constellation plans; IoT driving gigantic data demand; achieving Sustainable Development Goals; opening the world to millions through connections.

We are at the center of it all. The Pacific Telecommunications Council, its leadership and members continue to build the connections that open the world. We invite you to save-the-date and join us to celebrate 40 years of connections at PTC’18 from 21–24 January 2018 in Honolulu.
Leaders On Stage
The PTC Conference is the chosen stage for leaders in the ICT industry to share their strategies, debate directions and set the stage for the future.
PTC’17 welcomed over 200 speakers and hundreds of industry leaders. Did you miss anything? PTC-TV features executive interviews, keynote sessions and social events.

PTC’17: Presentations, Papers and More
Did you miss a session you wanted to see? Are there slides you want to revisit or papers you would like to read?
Visit the PTC’17 Conference Proceedings to find session abstracts, full papers, presentation slides and more.
Access the proceedings via the online program:
- Click on a paper or presentation title
- All available files will appear under “Download”
- To access slides, click on “SLIDES”
- To access a paper, click on “PAPER”